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20240201 News Sharing by Miss YY Choi 发表人: 臧一否   日期: 2024-02-01 09:29

News sharing by Miss YY Choi 1 February 2024

Online Safety

Good morning, welcome to SFCC News. Yesterday, Chief Inspector Alvin Wong and eight other policemen visited our school to give a talk on cybercrimes to F.4 and F.5 students. The talk covered on various online crimes including money laundering, phishing and various online scams like online account hijacking or naked chat blackmail. Teenagers are also warned not to sell their bank accounts to any strangers for money. People are arrested for money laundering after the criminals use their accounts to receive money cheated online. Offenders can be sent to jail for ten years.

Chief Inspector Wong reminded students not to be too trusting and introduce an app launched by the Hong Kong Police Force. Students who find any suspicious websites or apps can use the application ‘scameter+’ designed by the policemen for Hong Kong citizens to check if the websites or apps are reliable or not.


The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, urged everyone to stay vigilant about the Worldcoin project. Worldcoin project asked its users to scan their iris to construct their global bio-identity, giving them a World ID or a human passport for the Internet. The PCPD urged everyone to stop scanning their iris for the Worldcoin since PCPD believes the collection and processing of sensitive personal data by the relevant organisation may be in contravention of the requirements of the Personal Data Ordinance.

Before providing any biometric data, one should consider the following issues in relation to the relevant organisation:

1.      The legitimacy for collecting biometric data;

2.      The extent and purpose of collection of the biometric data;

3.      The intended use of those data and the classes of persons or organisations to whom the data will be disclosed or transferred;

4.      The retention period of the biometric data; and

5.      The safety precautions taken for the protection of the biometric data.

Meanwhile, China’s Ministry of Public Security declared a success in arresting the Chinese Mafia in Myanmar. Officers from both the Chinese Public Security and Burmese coordinated the crackdown. About 44,000 people who are suspects working at the scam centres were handed over to China. Among those were the three godfathers who were notorious for trapping people and forced them to run telephone and online scams worldwide.

Ms YY Choi, SFCC News

 20240201 News Sharing by Miss YY Choi
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