主頁   http://sunfc.school.hk  
17-18 第十五號通告

4th December 2017


Dear Parents/ Guardians,




        In support of the fund-raising activities of Sun Fong Chung College Financial Aid, the College is glad to co-organize Dress Casual & fund-raising Day 2017 on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 with the Student Association. Details of the Sun Fong College Financial Aid are in Student handbook (P.23-24). Students who participate in this fund-raising activity may put on casual wear and have to clean up their classrooms. Please complete and return the attached reply slip and the donation (if applicable), to the class teachers by Wednesday, December 6, 2017. Please make your cheque payable to ‘The IMC of H.K. & Kln. Kaifong Women’s Association Sun Fong Chung College’. Official receipts will be issued to donors contributing HK$100 or more. All student participants are reminded to observe the following rules on the Dress Casual Day 2017:

1.          The casual wear must be neat and appropriate.

2.          No accessories such as hats/caps, earrings, bracelets, or rings are allowed.

3.          No make-up, dying or perming of hair, or nail varnish is allowed.

4.          No tank tops, tube tops, mini-skirts, low-waisted skirts or pants, etc. are allowed. Trousers should be at knee-length.

5.          No slippers, sandals, high-heels, or platform shoes are allowed.


Students who fail to comply will face disciplinary actions.

Please encourage and support your children to participate in the event and ensure that they comply with the rules above. Should you have any inquiries, please contact Miss Choi Yan Yan, teacher advisor of the Student Association.

        Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,



S.K. Ng








本校學生會將於十二月二十日 (星期三) 舉行助學金籌款活動,當天募集的善款,將全部贈予孫方中書院助學金,以支援經濟上有困難的同學。有關孫方中書院助學金的詳情,可參閱學生手冊 (23-24)。當天,參加籌款活動的學生可穿著便服回校,並清潔課室,以迎接新一年的來臨。有興趣參加的同學請將善款 (現金) 或支票 (抬頭:港九街坊婦女會孫方中書院法團校董會) 連同回條於十二月六日 (星期三) 交予班主任。捐款一百港元或以上,校方將會發出收據,可作免稅之用。以下是參與活動的學生必須遵守的規定:


1.          學生之服飾和儀容必須整齊樸素。

2.          學生不得穿戴任何不必要之衣飾,例如帽子、耳環、手鏈、戒指等。

3.          學生不得染髮、化妝和塗甲。

4.          學生不得穿著背心、吊帶、露臍、露背裝、迷你短裙、低腰裙或褲;褲子必須長及膝蓋。

5.          學生不得穿著拖鞋、涼鞋、高跟鞋、厚底鞋等。




敬希 閣下鼓勵及支持子女參與這次籌款活動,並確保 貴子弟能遵守有關規定。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電26567123與學生會顧問老師蔡茵茵副校長聯絡。








