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20231128 Book Sharing by Ms. Sek Posted by: 臧一否   Date: 2023-11-28 09:56

Book Sharing 28/11/2023

 Good morning principal, teachers and fellow students,


Today I would like to ask you a question. What were you doing when you were nine years old? I guess most of you had to go to school. Still, you could have free time to play with your friends. You always have enough food to eat.


However, the nine-year-old orphan Oliver Twist had a different life. He grew up in an orphanage. He had never been to school nor had enough food to eat every day.


One day the boys there came up with a plan. Oliver was the unlucky one chosen to ask for more food. He was punished, locked up and beaten, waiting for more hardship in front of him.


What happens to Oliver then? Will he live or die?


This novel is called Oliver Twist. It was written by Charles Dickens in 1838. You can know more about the livelihood of the poor in London in the 19th century, as well as the dark and bright side of humanity.


The simplified version of the book is available in our school library. Start reading today!


 20231128 Book Sharing by Ms. Sek
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