主页   http://sunfc.school.hk  
15-16 第二十八號通告

Dear Parents/ Guardians,



        Various recreational and extended learning activities will be organized for students during the post-examination period. The details are as follows:

1.      The Territory-wide System Assessments (TSA) for Form 3 students will be held on 21st and 22nd June (Tuesday and Wednesday respectively). All Form 3 students are required to arrive at school at 8:05 a.m. or earlier. Students in other forms need not attend school on these two days.

2.      Examination papers of all subjects will be distributed to the students on 20th and 23rd June (Monday and Thursday respectively). Teachers will discuss the exam papers with students.

3.      Post-examination activities will be held from 27th June (Monday) to 7th July (Thursday) inclusive (please refer to Annex 1 for details). Post-examination days are part of the normal school days, so students must attend school as usual. Any absence without proper notification will be considered as truancy. For senior form students, the participation hours of post-examination activities will be counted as OLE hours.

4.      The Annual Speech Day (for Form 6 graduates) will be held on 24th June (Friday). All F.3 to F.6 students are required to arrive at school by 2:00 p.m. Form 3 to Form 5 students must attend the Annual Speech Day. Any absence without proper notification will be considered as truancy. Students will be disciplined with a minor demerit according to School Rules. There will be special arrangements for school coaches (please refer to Annex 2 for details).

5.      The End-of-year Prize-giving Ceremony will be held in our School Hall on 8th July (Friday). Form 1 to Form 5 students are required to arrive at school by 8:05 a.m. or earlier. School academic report cards will be distributed after the Ceremony.   

6.      Should there be any announcement of class suspension made by the Education Bureau due to bad weather or other reasons, the above mentioned events shall be postponed or rescheduled. For details, please kindly refer to announcements posted on our school website.

Please complete and return the attached reply slip to the class teacher on 14th June, Tuesday. Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,



Ng Siu Ki







. 六月二十一日(星期二)及二十二日(星期三)進行中三全港性系統評估,中三同學必須於上午八時零五分前回校其他年級的同學不需回校。

. 六月二十日(星期一)及二十三日(星期四)派發各科試卷,並作試題的分析及討論。

. 六月二十七日(星期一)七月七日(星期四)舉行試後活動日,有關安排詳列於附件一。校方所安排之試後活動為校園生活的一部分,同學不得無故缺席。高中同學於本年度的試後活動參加時數將會計算在其他學習經歷內。

. 六月二十四日(星期五)舉行本校畢業典禮,中三至中六同學須於下午二時前回校,其他同學不需回校。中三至中五同學必須出席,無故缺席者,則作曠課論,依校規記小過一次。有關校車安排詳列於附件二。

. 七月(星期五)於本校禮堂舉行本學年之結業禮,結業禮之後將派發本學年之成績表。中一至中五同學須於上午八時零五分前回校。

. 如遇教育局因天氣或其他事故宣佈學校停課,以上事宜將可能會順延舉行或另作安排。詳情將透過學校網頁公佈。


    謹請  閣下填妥下列回條,並著 貴子弟於六月十四日(星期二)回班主任。







