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18-19 第十八號通告

To Parents/ Guardians:



To strengthen parent-school cooperation, the College is going to hold the second Parents’ Day. Parents can have a thorough understanding of their children’s academic performance and conduct. It will be held on 24th February, 2019 (Sunday) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You will receive your child’s First Term Examination Report Card when you meet the class teacher(s).


We sincerely invite you to come. You are scheduled in Group ________ and your meeting time will start from ____________a.m./ p.m. at room            . Please arrive ten minutes before the session. You are welcome to use the parking lot. We also have school buses (HK$6 per single journey) taking you to and from the College at a number of stops (please refer to the attached school bus schedule). The 25th February, 2019 (Monday) is a school holiday. Regular school will resume on the next day.


Please complete and return the attached reply slip to the class teacher on 19th February, 2019(Tuesday).


Thank you for your kind attention.



Yours faithfully,


S. K. Ng






      本校定於二零一九年二月二十四日(星期日)上午九時至下午一時舉行本年度第二次家長日,藉以加強家校之聯繫,讓家長瞭解子女在學業與操行上之表現;而 貴子弟第一學期考試之成績表,亦將於班主任會見 台端時面交台覽。

   誠邀 貴家長屆時撥冗偕 貴子弟出席。當天 台端列於第   組,會見時間由上午         分開始,地點為         室。敬希 台端於當天編定時間前十分鐘蒞校。歡迎各家長使用本校停車場,學校亦安排收費校車(每單程6)於指定地點接送各家長(詳見附奉之校車班次表)家長日翌日(二月二十五日),蒙教育局核准放假一天,二月二十六日(星期二)照常上課。謹請台端填妥回條,於二月十九日(星期二)前交回班主任,以憑辦理。     







