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Stuent handbook
 Class allocation
Form One          
When new Form one students admit to the school, they will be allocated to a class according to their performance in the Hong Kong Attainment Test for Chinese Language, English language, and Mathematics. The students’ ranking in the whole form is the key for class allocation. No. 1-34 will go to class 1A, no. 35-68 will go to class 1B, and the rest will be allocated to Class C and D.
Form Two & Three
According to the grand total mark, all students will be ranked. No. 1-34 will go to Class A, no. 35-68 will go to class B, and the rest will be allocated to Class C and D.
Form Three promoted to Form Four
According to the grand total mark, all students will be ranked. No. 1-40 will go to Class A, 41-70 will go to class B, and the rest will be allocated to Class C and D.


Form Four promoted to Form Five or Form Five to Form Six:
According to the total mark of Chinese, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies, all students will be ranked. No. 1-40 will go to Class A, no. 41-70 will go to class B, and the rest will be allocated to Class C and D.
