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17-18 第二十六號通告

Dear Parents/ Guardians,


        To assess our students’ academic performance and consolidate their knowledge, the Second Term Examinations for S.1 to S.5 students are scheduled from 8th June (Friday) to 22nd June, 2018 (Friday). S.3 students have to sit the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) on both 19th June (Tuesday) and 20th June, 2018 (Wednesday). They have to report attendance as usual and school will finish at 12:30 p.m. Students of other forms are not required to go to school on the above-mentioned days. Students are required to sit for the examinations in accordance with the examination timetable. They are advised to return home for revision once their examinations are over. During the examination period, there will be special school coach arrangement and the school library will be open to students as usual for self-study purposes.

        Should your child be absent from school on any days during the examination period because of sickness or special reasons, you are expected to notify the school by phone before 8:00a.m. that day. Students should take the initiative to submit relevant supporting documents on the first day after the absence. Late application will not be accepted. If the application is accepted, the School will give a statistically assessed mark for the subject the student was absent from based on their results in previous uniform test(s)/ examination(s)/ other assessment(s).


        The examination timetable and the examination syllabus of each subject are herein attached for your reference. Please encourage your child to study hard to achieve better results in the examinations, and kindly complete and return the attached reply slip to the class teachers on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.

        Thank you for your kind attention.


Yours faithfully,





S.K. Ng





如學生在考試當天因病或特別事故缺席,須於早上八時前致電回校請假。學生應在復課後的第一天內主動提交有關的證明文件予校方審批,逾期恕不受理。有關申請如獲校方接納,校方將根據統計學的方法以該生的統一測驗 / 考試 / 其他評核成績來估算缺考的科目分數。

現隨函附上考試時間表及各科考試範圍,謹請 閣下督促子女勤加溫習。敬請填妥下列回條,於五月十五日(星期二)交回班主任存查。






