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守法的重要性(27.3.2023) 盧燕華老師 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2023-03-30 08:46




勤勞的重要 何秀珍老師 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2023-03-20 14:07



  小學時,年輕人對音樂情有獨鍾,表現出了驚人的天賦。望子成龍 的母親日積月累,湊錢為他買了一架鋼琴。“玩”著琴,年輕人挖掘著 潛力,慢慢積聚著自己的音樂“資本”。

  高中畢業後,年輕人沒有考上大學,只能到餐館當服務生,被老闆 暴罵過,剋扣過薪水。

  後來,一個偶然的機會,年輕人被臺灣樂壇老大看上,進入老大的 公司做音樂製片助理。期間,他不停的寫歌,結果都被老大擱置一旁, 有的甚至當面扔進垃圾桶。

  年輕人沒有洩氣,老大被其努力感動了,答應找歌手唱他的歌。但 是,許多著名歌手都不願意一展歌喉,因為他寫的歌太稀奇古怪。年輕 人只得一如既往、默默地進行著自己的創作。

  有一天,老大拋給年輕人一個機會:10天,寫50首歌,然後自己挑選 10首,自己唱,出專輯。這樣,年輕人廢寢忘食,沒日沒夜,絞盡腦汁, 拼命寫歌。終於,他的第一張專輯問世了,立即轟動歌壇。接著第二張 專輯《范特西》又流行音樂界。

  大家都猜到這位年輕人是谁吧,對! 他就是:周杰倫——兩岸三地 最受歡迎的歌手。

  這個故事告訴我們,勤勞是非常重要的,要功課好,學業成績佳, 品學兼優,非勤勞不可!要身體強壯,身手敏捷,成為運動健將,更非 配合勤勞的訓練不可!要能歌善舞,能言善辯,電腦科技神級,琴棋書 畫了得,自然也非勤勞不可!要數學好,同樣也需要多做多練! 記住, 勤勞就是學業成功的巨大基石。希望大家共勉之!

Chinese scientific achievements 羅諾勤老師13/3 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2023-03-13 13:40
Good morning principal, teachers and students. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the sharing about aquaponics last Friday. Today, I would like to share with you some achievements in agriculture in China.

Professor Yuan Longping is one of the scientists I admire very much. Professor Yuan was a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator who is best known for developing the first successful hybrid rice varieties. This achievement helped to greatly increase rice production in China and other countries, leading to improved food security and reduced poverty. Professor Yuan's work on hybrid rice also earned him numerous awards and honors, including the World Food Prize in 2004. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in modern agriculture and his work has had a significant impact on global food production.

In addition to developing hybrid rice, Professor Yuan Longping made other important contributions to agriculture. He also worked on developing new varieties of crops that were resistant to disease, pests, and environmental stress, such as drought and salinity. He also conducted research on the use of seawater for irrigation and on the use of biotechnology to improve crop yields. In addition, Professor Yuan was committed to promoting sustainable agriculture practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers and integrated pest management, as a way to reduce reliance on chemical inputs and protect the environment. Overall, Professor Yuan Longping's work helped to advance agricultural productivity and sustainability, and his legacy continues to inspire new research and innovation in the field.

Besides Professor Yuan, Professor Sun Sai Man and Professor Lam Hon Ming in CUHK are also the scientists I admire so much. Both of their research interest is agriculture. Both of them connected with Professor Yuan’s work to further work on the genetic modifications of crops to increase the nutritional content so as to provide more food for people in China as there is a sharp decrease of farms in China. I have learned a lot from them during my studies and even I work in the school as a teacher. One of the most famous project that professor Sun conducted was the genetic modification of highly nutritious rice with plenty of vitamin A, vitamin E, protein, iron and zinc. The rice was regarded as golden rice. In the year of 2008, professor Sun set up the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) to further uplift China's agricultural technology, increase agricultural productivity, safeguard national food security, and improve people's nutrition. By combining the strength of modern biotechnology and the traditional wisdom of breeders and farmers, He pledged to serve society by generating new knowledge, producing novel technological platforms, products, and training technologists and thereby boosting technical reserves and agricultural productivity in China and beyond.

Professor Lam Hon Ming now takes the lead in the Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology. He aims at improving the gene of the soy-beans that they can grow in the extremely poor environment so as to solve the problem of food deficiency in the world. Besides working as a scientist, he also spends a lot of time teaching our secondary students during summer holidays to equip their knowledge and support the value of contribution and serving the needs during the course.

Our science students, as a teacher in the school, I sincerely hope that you can serve others by contributing what you have learned. Do not just only focus on the result of the examination. Professor Lam always urges us to reflect on the reason we joined the science stream. Hopefully, one day, you can conduct your own innovative research and help as many people as you can! Thank you for your listening.

2022-23「教室清潔運動」及「資源回收」上學期總結 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2023-01-30 09:25
校長、各位老師、各位同學,早上好! 我是林蓮芳老師。

今天是下學期的第一天上學日,踏入兔年,在此先祝各位新年快樂!各位同學 學業進步!

在中國傳統的文化裡,十二生肖屬相中的兔子排名第四,牠喜歡獨居,原來 精靈活潑、溫馴可愛的兔子是十分愛乾淨的,牠們會很認真地舔自己的毛髮,將 身體打理得乾乾淨淨。動物有此本性,那我們作為受教育的人類,不是更應該注 重個人的整潔習慣嗎? 推而廣之,保持校園和教室的整潔也是我們每個人的責任 。

這個學年開始,我們舉辦了「課室清潔運動」(亦稱大掃除),上學期在10月 、11月及12月共舉行三次,利用班主任節或周會後的時間,由班主任帶領同學進 行整理教室、掃地、拖地、擦桌子等清潔工作,看到大家積極投入的態度實在令 老師欣賞。各班完成清潔後,負責老師和環保領袖生會在當天立即檢查各班的整 潔度,各方面達標的班別會頒發證書獎勵。


1. 教師桌必須每天用濕毛巾清潔,部分班別的教師桌可以把物品歸位,擺放更 整齊一些。

2. 由今年開始,各班已放了一套打掃工具,每班的值日生應該大範圍地打掃,確 保地面沒有垃圾。

3. 我們在檢查期間,發現部分同學為貪一時的方便,把書本留在書桌的抽屜內, 這會造成學校的清潔校工非常的不便,因為要搬動沉重的書桌很困難,減低 工作效率。

目前,在大檢中最整潔教室領先的班別有5C、4C、3B、3D、1A、2B、4A、 6A及6D,大檢的成績會在電梯大堂的熒幕展示,下學期大檢即將開始了,大家繼 續努力!


在此,特別感謝每一班的環保大使,每天辛勤地回收有用的資源,你們是每 位同學的好榜樣。我為你們準備了一份小禮物,希望你們會喜歡。謝謝!

Get support from your peer Take on the challenge with courage 9/1 Miss Man Yuen Mei 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2023-01-10 09:15
It’s the first day of your examination week. How did you spend your time in the past few days? Did you play games online with your friends? Or did you study with your friends together?

You may feel stressful when you face the challenge on your own. Seek help from others if you’re in need. It takes a lot of self-discipline and dogged persistence to prepare for the examinations.

However, it doesn’t mean that you ought to study alone. Some students may be tempted to have fun when they are at home. How can you avoid the temptation to play and see some real progress?

‘If we want to reap a harvest, we have to make the best of time and work hard.’ Positive action is required.

First, set a revision timetable and study in the library that would help you resist the temptation.

Having some peers to support you or monitor your progress, you’ll be able to take on the challenge with courage. Having a friend to chat with you on the way home, the stress can be relieved, too.

Set yourself a goal. Work hard. You will be satisfied with its progress and result. Thank you.

Being Positive about Life----- Harry Sigerson 19/12 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2022-12-21 10:39
Good morning, Principal, colleagues and students. Thank you for the chance to talk to you today.

I want to talk to you today about ‘optimism’ (乐观主义 le\guan-zhu\/yi\). This means always seeing the best in every situation. Always thinking only good things will happen, that everything will be wonderful.

This sounds very good but why should everything be wonderful? What if everything does not go well? What if things go really badly? Thinking that everything will be great cannot help you then, can it? You hoped for a happy ending but now you have a sad ending. Thinking everything was great did not help!

So instead, today, I want to talk to you about Being Positive. Being Positive is NOT the same as Being Optimistic. When you are optimistic you only think about the best thing that can happen.

When you are Being Positive…

… you CAN think about the bad things that can happen.

You SHOULD think about the bad things that can happen.

In fact, you MUST think about the bad things that can happen!

Being Positive is about HOW you think about the bad things that can happen. Being Positive means asking yourself, “WHEN the bad things happen, and they will, HOW will I react? What will I do?”

Will I cry, “Everything always goes wrong for me! Nothing I do can change that! Poor me!”

Will I blame other people saying, “This person or that person did this to me!”

Or will I say,

“This bad thing has happened, what can I do to make it better?”

“What can I do to make it better tomorrow?”

“What can I do to stop it happening again?”

And… “What can I do to stop it happening to other people?”

It is more than planning for the worst. We all do that. When we get in a car, we put on our seatbelt. When we cross the road, we look both ways. Being Positive is about what happens after we put on our seatbelt but still have a car crash. Being Positive is about what happens after we look both ways but still have an accident.

When you are being optimist, you say, “Everything will be great, I don’t need to put on my seatbelt.”

When you are Being Positive, you say, “What do I do to make the best of my life, even if I am hurt in an accident and I am wearing a seatbelt?”

If you are honest about the bad things that can happen, it does NOT mean you are a negative person. Bad things will happen. This is about HOW YOU THINK ABOUT the bad things and HOW YOU CAN MAKE THEM BETTER for yourself. So, to finish, please start practicing how to BE POSITIVE about the bad things that happen in your life. Start with the small bad things, so that you can be ready for the big bad things. Your life will be happier because of it.

Thank you.

陳金花老師分享 蘇炳添 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2022-12-19 19:57




鄭玉如老師 中華金句 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2022-12-09 08:21

今天希望和大家討論兩個問題,首先,是我們為什麼要學習?韓愈在《師說》裏說 :「人非生而知之者,孰能無惑?惑而不從師,其為惑也,終不解矣。」意思是人並 非生下來就有知識的,誰能沒有疑難、問題呢?有了疑難而不向老師學習、請教,那些 疑難是永遠不會解決的。學習能為我們解決生活中遇到的疑難。孔也和他的學生說:「 我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。」像孔子一樣博學多才的人,尚且說他要用功 學習,要學習古人的智慧,我們要學習的恐怕更多。尤其在世界發展一日千里,面對 每天數不盡的新科技,我們更要隨時不斷的學習,不能停止。

那既然我們有這麼多要學習,就會產生第二個問題,就是我們沒有時間。一天只有二 十四小時,但我們要做的事總是很多。北宋著名的文學家歐陽修告訴他的朋友,他用 來構思文章的時間,多半在三上,就是馬上、枕上、廁上。意思是我們要抓緊零碎的 時間,例如在睡前放下電話,花幾分鐘念幾個英文單字、在坐車的時候不要滑手機, 背幾條數學公式。這樣善用每分每秒,一天一點的累積,只要堅持下去,日子有功,我 們一定可以爭取更多時間溫習。

最後,希望同學能計劃好溫習的時間表,更好的準備在一月的考試,祝同學也能考取 理想成績。謝謝大家!

黃慶雲《香港歸來的孩子》 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2022-12-06 20:21










12月4 日是國家憲法。我國憲法總結了帝國主義侵華的歷史教訓,強調了捍衛國家主權的重要性。《香港歸來的孩子》通俗易懂,適合中學生閱讀,謝謝!

11月14日 溫故知新談考試 劉志偉老師 發表人: 郭家豪   日期: 2022-11-14 09:09
上星期是大家的測驗週,相信大家一定是處於緊張的準備狀態。那我今天就和 大家聊聊一些關於測考的準備功夫。



首先來講講,為什麼有這樣的分類。因為我發覺不少同學在平時上課學習的過 程中都沒有專心,導致很多知識都沒有學好,然後一直也沒有去進行補救,直 至考試前準備的時候才發覺原來自己很多內容都不會。所以最後考試前的時間 基本上就是重新學習。當然考試的內容覆蓋面很廣,每一科都有很多知識不懂 ,同學根本來不及重學,以至於同學就很依賴老師的重點溫習,希望可以縮窄 範圍。這就是為什麼有第二種情況的產生。而考完試後,同學並沒有在學習中 改進自我,以致惡性循環一直在進行中。所以同學永遠只會在考試前的一段短 暫時間學習。當然成績也就可想而知。而且很多這樣的同學還會自我安慰,經 常和老師說,我盡力了。台下的同學有沒有這樣的經歷呢?

當然剛剛提到的第一種情況,即正常的考前溫習,應該是重點在於概念的重溫 和系統化,幫助勾起之前學習的記憶,然後通過適量的練習,加深印象,再加 上考前的充足睡眠,以保證考試時的頭腦清醒。這樣的準備功夫,才能出現好 的結果。當然之前專注的上課學習,認真的做功課才能保證到大家考試前是溫 習而不是學習。所以重點還是在平時的上課。

當然臨時抱佛腳肯定要比什麼都不做好。但請那些在考試前才學習的同學思考 一下,既然你能夠在考試前花時間去臨時抱佛腳,那就說明你們也希望能有點 像樣的成績,那為何不在平時多下點功夫。其實每天上課認真一點,遇到難點 就主動的問老師,趁早解決困難,那學習就沒有想像的這麼辛苦了。

所以同學們可以趁這次的統測自我反省一下,自己的學習狀態,到底屬於哪種 情況。在接下來的一段時間,重新調整學習策略、目標和心態,再接再厲,能 夠在下一次的考試前,是溫習而不是再度臨時抱佛腳了。
