主頁   http://sunfc.school.hk  
  • In order to recognize student's brilliant performance, achievements and awards, relevant students' names, activities or works will be used in school works or video(s) or website without prior notice. The subject panels will also upload their activities or their teaching video(s) onto the school website for professional use. Our school strictly complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. If parents do not agree with the above use of their child(ren)'s personal data, a written notification to the school is needed.

為表揚同學參與各項活動的出色表現及獲取校內校外各項獎項等,學校會將相關同學的名字、活動情況、優秀作品,以及圖像或短片等刊登於學校刊物或網頁中,而不作另行通知。學校亦可能會把各科組活動資料或教學短片上載網頁,以作交流之用。本校一向嚴格遵守由「香港個人資料(私隱)條例」。如   貴家長不同意學校把同學相關資料作上述處理或用途,可以書面形式通知學校,校方會跟進處理。

  • Students are not allowed to take photos, do recording without teacher's permission.
