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Measures to raise students’ English standard

 師資 (Teacher Qualifications) :

  • 全體英文科教師均達英文科語文能力要求 (即語文基準),持有大學學士或碩士學位及教育文憑。All English teachers are Bachelor or Master degree-holders majoring in English or Education (English) and have Postgraduate Diplomas or Certificates in Education (PGDE or PCEd) majoring in English. They are also exempted from Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (English Language).


外籍老師和學生 (Native English-speaking Teachers & Exchange Student)

  •  聘請 2 位全職外籍英語老師,組織不同活動營造英語學習環境及氣氛。Our school employs 2 full-time native English-speaking teacher. They help create a motivating English language environment in school. They regularly organize activities in the English Room and the English Garden to arouse students’ interests in learning English.
  • 安排 2 位外籍老師擔任班主任,增加同學與外籍老師的接觸。Two native English-speaking teachers will be the class teachers so that they will have more opportunities to communicate with our students.


配合英語發展的設施 (Facilities maximizing English learning opportunities)

  • 設立「英語室」和「英語花園」,定期於午膳及放學後開放。英語老師更準備多項活動如:電影放映及遊戲,讓各級同學參加,寓學習英語於娛樂。To help students learn English in a relaxing environment, the English Room and the English Garden have been established to hold various kinds of activities such as Scrabble Competition and lunchtime movie shows for students at different levels.
  • 英語室」內提供各類的英語雜誌、影碟及遊戲,供同學在英語室內使用。English magazines, DVDs, computer games and board games are also provided for students in the English Room.
  • 「英語花園」內設置投射器、空調及桌椅,以便師生進行午間英語活動。A projector, air-conditioning system and desks and chairs have been installed in the English Garden for holding activities in a comfortable environment.


銜接高中採用英語教學的安排 (Bridging to EMI in senior form)

  • 為幫助學生銜接高中,老師在教授各科時加入英語元素,並派發英文工作紙,讓學生早日接觸英語教學。To help students be ready for the senior form, non-English teachers constantly teach students some English vocabulary items and use English to raise other issues related to their subjects. English worksheets are given to students to make them be more vell-versed in English.
  • 2008-09 學年參加公開大學與教育局合辦的「跨學科學習英語研究計劃」,2009-10學年本校成立「推動跨學科學習英語小組」,於 2010-2011學年成立「跨學科學習英語委員會」,專注在初中發展跨學科學習英語的課程,以提升學生在各科運用英語學習的能力。Based on the fruitful experience from the joint ELA research project with Open University and EDB in 2008-09, we set up the ELA team in 2009-10. In 2010-2011, we have formed the LACC (Languages Across Curriculum Committee).  The committee is mainly responsible for the design and implementation of ELA curriculum in junior forms in order to enhance students’ abilities to use English in other subjects.
  • 英文科老師為中五及中六同學安排早會測考活動,進一步鞏固同學的英語基礎。To consolidate students’ language foundation, English teachers conduct assessments for S5 and S6 students in the morning reading periods.


照顧學習差異 (Cater for learning diversities)

  • 1C, 1D, 3C, 3D 及高中的 A 班及B 班英文課時採取小班教學,師生比例約為1 20,進行拔尖和補底。We adopt a small-class teaching policy in both junior and senior forms. 1C, 1D, 3C, 3D and senior form A and B classes are split into groups in English lessons, and the teacher-student ratio is reduced to approximately 1:20 in order to enhance students’ English.
  • 為幫助程度較高的同學挑戰自我,在初中程度較高的班別採用較高程度的課本,而在測考時亦會按學生的能力作不同的安排。To cater for students’ learning diversities, students are assigned to use two sets of English course books in the junior forms. More able students use an advanced level of course books and vice versa. Different assessment will be arranged in accordance with students’ abilities.
  • 資助學生報讀 IELTS 備試課程。There is subsidy fo IELTS preparation course.
  • 增設網上英語學習平台,鼓勵中一至中六同學每天運用,提高聽,說,讀,寫的能力。Subscribe online English learning platform.  Encourage students to make use of it to enhance proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • 安排中六同學進行午間和試前口語練習,為應考文憑試作充足準備。Arrange lunch-time and Pre-DSE oral practice in order to prepare S6 students for DSE oral exam.
  • 在課餘時間為成績稍遜的同學開設英文增潤班,成績較好的同學則參加英文拔尖班。Students are nominated by their English teachers to participate in English remedial or enhancement classes after school to consolidate their language abilities.
  • 成立英文學術領袖生,進行拔尖。Potential students are nominated to be the Academic Prefects to receive training and to help teachers promote English on campus.
  • 安排同學參加國際聯校學科評估及比賽。Students are encouraged to sit for public examinations like International Competitions and. Assessments for Schools.
  • 參加英語朗誦比賽,加強同學朗讀英語的信心和技巧。Students are encouraged to participate in the Speech Festival every year to enhance their speaking skills.
  • 舉辦暑期英語銜接班,讓中一新生提早適應英語課堂。To help students familiarize themselves with English lessons, English summer bridging classes are organized for S1 students.


為學生創造英語環境 (Create a motivating English language environment on whole-day teaching days

  • 在全日制日子設定逢星期二為英語日。Tuesdays are English Speaking Days.
  • 在第二學期逢周一、周二及周三早上設「早上與外籍英語老師有個約會」的活動,中三學生按次序分組與外籍英語老師進行分享及交流。By taking part in ‘Morning Chat’ on Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesdays in second term, S3 students will have chance to talk and share with two Native English Teachers in groups.
  • 逢周二和周四由英文老師進行英文分享。English teachers sharing in English on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • 「跨科英語節」加入科本默書計劃,強化同學科本的詞彙及句構,強化學生的英文基礎。In LAC period, subject-based dictation will be carried out so as to consolidate students' subject-based vocabulary and sentence patterns.
  • 設立英語周,鼓勵全體師生說英語。Holding English Weeks to encourage all teachers and students to use English in daily life.
  • 在校園內張貼英文「勵志標語」。Posting English posters, proverbs, famous quotations and slogans at campus.
  • 在校內設施上張貼英文標籤,學會壁報板加上英文名稱,讓學生認識有關英語詞彙。Labeling school facilities and clubs’ notice boards in English to help students learn more daily life vocabulary.
  • 編制英文版通告。Printing school circulars in both Chinese and English versions.
  • 編印英文版學生手冊。Printing student Handbooks in both Chinese and English versions.
  • 定期出版中英文文集及英文報刊Sun Dayz,並將作品上載學校網頁上,以鼓勵同學寫作。 Students’ work is published and uploaded to the school website so as to encourage them to write more and share their ideas with other students.
  • 增加「平時分」的比重,強化學生在「平時」的學習動機。The weighting of average marks is increased in order to build up students’ motivation in daily learning.
  • 利用特別節日或活動 (例如「感恩節」、由外籍老師在早會訪問老師的個人興趣等 ),將英語學習處境化,寓教於樂。Holding special activities such as Thanks Giving Day and Interview with SFCC teachers so as to help students learn English in a relaxing atmosphere.