主頁   http://sunfc.school.hk  

To Parents/ Guardians:


1.          Current students of all forms are required to register for the new school year on August 5, 2014 (Tuesday) at the School Hall. The registration period is 9:00a.m.–1:00p.m. Students must wear proper summer school uniforms. Coach services will be available (please refer to Annex 1). In addition, summer holiday homework has been assigned (please refer to Annex 2).

2.          Summer holiday homework has been assigned for students so that they can continue learning at home during the holiday. Man Fung Book Store will set up a counter at our College from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. on June 23 (Monday) and June 26 (Thursday) 2014, where summer holiday exercise books are available for purchase (please refer to Annex 3). S1 to S5 students may make purchases. Alternatively, you can make purchases at any other bookstores.

3.          Book lists for upcoming S5 and S6 will be distributed to current students on July 4, 2014 (Friday) while upcoming S2 and S3 will get theirs on July 7, 2014 (Monday). If you would like to make an order, you are required to fill in an order form and drop it into the designated collection box at the General Office on or before July 11 (Friday). The textbooks you order from Man Fung Book Store will be distributed on August 5 (Tuesday), the registration day for current students. Alternatively, you may purchase textbooks at any other bookstores.

4.          On August 5, 2014 (Tuesday), the class-streaming arrangement and elective allocation results (if applicable) for S2 to S6 will be announced. Book lists for upcoming S4 students will be distributed. If you would like to make an order of class-based textbooks, you are required to fill in an order form and drop it into the designated collection box at the General Office on or before August 11, 2014 (Monday). Man Fung Book Store will distribute the ordered class-based textbooks to upcoming S2 to S6 students on September 2, 2014 (Tuesday).

5.          Should there be any announcements of class suspension made by the Education Bureau due to bad weather or other reasons, the above mentioned activities shall be postponed or rescheduled. For details, please kindly refer to announcements posted on our College website.

Please complete and return the attached reply slip to the class teacher on Tuesday, June 17, 2014.

        Thank you for your kind attention.

S.K. Ng




一﹒本校將於二零一四年八月五日(星期二)於本校禮堂為各級舊生進行註冊。註冊時間為上午九時至下午一時正。所有同學當天必須穿著整齊夏季校服回校註冊。是日校車公司提供校車服務 (詳見附件一。學校亦已為  貴子弟安排暑期功課 (詳見附件二


二﹒為讓同學於暑假期間在家自行學習,鞏固及增加新知識,本校教師特為各級同學準備各項暑期課業。教科書供應商文風書局將於六月二十三日(星期一)及六月二十六日 (星期四) 上午九時至下午一時正到校設攤位,方便中一至中五同學購買暑期作業(詳見附件三)。貴家長可於當天著  貴子弟帶同有關款項回校購買有關作業,亦可自行到其他書局購買。


三﹒升中五至中六的書單將在七月四日 (星期五) 派發,而升中二及升中三的書單將在七月七

(星期一) 派發。如有意向文風書局訂購書籍者可於七月十一日(星期五)或之前將已填妥的訂購表格投入校務處的收集箱內。教科書供應商將安排於八月五日(星期二)舊生註冊日向各級舊生派發已訂購的書籍。貴家長亦可自行到其他書局購買有關用書。


四﹒升中二至中六的編班及選修科結果 (如適用) 會於八月五日 (星期二) 舊生註冊日公布,



    月二日 (星期二) 向升中二至中六的學生派發於八月五日 (星期二) 訂購的教科書。




    謹請  貴家長填妥下列回條,並著 貴子弟於六月十七日(星期二)交回班主任。









