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態度誠可貴 發表人: 吳少祺   日期: 2018-11-26 11:41







大家耳熟能詳的「愚公移山」、「鐵柱成針」的故事,均告訴我們態度的重要。曾流行一時的廣告語「Nothing is impossible」。「沒有甚麽是不可能」,這不正是告訴我們態度的重要嗎!?只要我們持肯定、相信的態度,久而久之,一些人們認為不能成就的事情就是那樣的成就了。就像愚公一樣,他相信子孫相傳,不管前面有多難,只要凡事持正面的態度,不為自已留下任何逃避的理由或藉口,大山總可以移去。










如何處理考試壓力 發表人: 吳少祺   日期: 2018-11-05 09:37





















抗逆配方 發表人: 吳少祺   日期: 2018-10-29 16:37











Ms Agnes Choi's sharing: care 發表人: 盧文壇   日期: 2018-10-25 14:48


Good morning, everyone! This is Ms Agnes Choi.


Today, I would like to share with you the need to care for others.


In addition to the daily routines, like attending lessons, finishing homework or studying for quizzes and so on, we need to care for others.


I will say caring is friendship. Caring is loving and kind. Caring is sympathy and empathy. Caring is tender and warm. It serves as the basis for all of our positive interactions and relations with other people.

Some say that simply caring is not the most important thing, but rather than that, doing is more important. While it is true that caring alone will not get things done, this is necessary to do so.


In fact, caring for others has a very important role to play in our everyday life. From families to communities to societies, caring is, in other words, like the glue that holds our world’s web of people together. We show love, kindness and warmth towards one another. This allows us to understand each other too.


Care can keep us together. It is what drives our action and pushes us to accomplish more and greater. Action now! Do care for others. Things may magically turn to be better.


Here is a quote to share:


“If someone is there to believe in you, to care about you and support you, amazing things happen.”

by Tim Tebow.


Thank you.

Mental Health 發表人: 吳少祺   日期: 2018-10-22 13:50

        The topic I am going to share with you today is Mental Health. You may think that this is none of my business as I am very healthy. But do you know good health includes mental health? Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life.

Living in Hong Kong, one of the most vibrant cities in the world with much to offer, however there seems to be an underlying anxiety prevailing syndrome which affects how people think. A lot more needs to be done to make people aware that untreated anxiety can lead to long term issues with which all sorts of mental illnesses can be associated.

        Does anyone know that each year, on the day of 10thOctober, the World Health Organization (WHO) organizes a Mental Health Day ? The theme of the Mental Health Day this year 2018 is Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World. That means you are the focus group. But why ? Are the youth more vulnerable to get mental illnesses ?

        Actually, most of the youngsters, like you, are facing many changes, for example changing schools, or starting university or a new job. And most important of all, for those senior class students, you are now facing the DSE examination. For many, these are exciting times. They can be times of stress. In some cases, if not recognized and managed, these feelings can lead to mental illness. Because examination stress may also cause anxiety which can induce mental stress.

        Besides examination stress, the thing we have to take notice of is the amount of time you spend on the internet-experiencing cyber crimes, cyber bullying, and playing violent video games. Because of this, some of you may suffer from gaming disorder which you do not know.

        Gaming disorder is defined as a pattern of gaming behavior characterized by impaired control over gaming, (i.e. you cannot stop playing video or digital games) increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences such as the tense relationship with parents or poor examination results.

        After examining the causes of mental illness among youngsters, lets stop and check if you or your friends are experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors which can be an early warning sign of a problem:

1.      Eating or sleeping too much or too little

2.      Pulling away from people and usual activities

3.      Having low or no energy

4.      Feeling numb or like nothing matters

5.      Having unexplained aches and pains

6.      Feeling helpless or hopeless

7.      Yelling or fighting with family and friends

So what can you do if you are experiencing one or more of the above warning signs?

        For those who play too much video games, the first thing you have to do is to alert to the amount of time you spend on gaming activities, particularly when it is to the exclusion of other daily activities, as well as to any changes in your physical or psychological health and social functioning that could be attributed to your pattern of gaming behavior.

        For those DSE candidates, you should all know that everyone has pressure. We teachers have pressure. The key is to know how to release it.

Now, I am going to suggest you the ways to maintain positive mental health.

1.      Talk to someone you trust about your feelings.

2.      Seek professional help. Social workers at school or doctor

3.      Stay connected. Keep in contact with family and friends

4.      Exercise regularly, even if it is just a short walk

5.      Stick to regular eating and sleeping habits

6.      Expand your social circle

7.      Stay positive

The key is to have a positive attitude towards everything.

        Remember when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Lastly, do not get addicted to playing video games or surfing internet.

        This week is Mental Health week of our school. There will be lunch time activities. If you want to know more about mental health and the ways to release pressure, please join the activities held at covered playground.

This is the end of my sharing. Thank you.

Miss Chan Lai Ha

自律 發表人: 吳少祺   日期: 2018-10-18 17:55















Ms Agnes Choi's sharing : Honesty & Responsibility 發表人: 盧文壇   日期: 2018-10-10 11:20

Honesty & Responsibility


Good morning, everyone. This is Ms Agnes Choi.


Last week, I mentioned the reasons for setting goals in order to improve and achieve higher.  This morning, I would like to share with you the two things I believe you need to possess in order to attain your targets more smoothly.


First, honesty. People value honesty. If an honest person makes a mistake, he/ she does not lie about the situation in an attempt to make himself/ herself seem less guilty. If you are a person whom people can rely on, you will have more confidence in completing everything and will succeed more easily.


Second, responsibility. People can do all that they can with which they are charged. They will even embrace the opportunity to take a leadership role. The more responsible you are, the more success you have in future.


Here are two quotes to share with you. They are easy to remember.




So if you want to achieve higher and have your dream come true, be honest and be responsible. You will succeed someday.


Thank you.


為學與人生 發表人: 吳少祺   日期: 2018-10-08 11:57






Ms Agnes Choi's sharing 發表人: 盧文壇   日期: 2018-10-02 10:39

Hello everyone! This is Ms Agnes Choi.


This year, our school motto is “Aspirations for scholarships, self-reflection leads to morality.” In order to enable yourselves to accomplish more, I believe the pre –requisite is to set goals first.


What is a goal? A goal refers to any planning you do for the future. I think that there are three reasons why you need to set goals at the beginning of the school year.


First, goals give you focus. Imagine that you have to shoot an arrow without a target. Where would you aim? In one word, it is pointless and a waste of energy and effort to do anything without a focus. Your abilities and talents also become useless. So goals give you direction in life and you find it easier to have things done.


Second, goals allow you to measure progress. With goals, you have a fixed endpoint to compare with. For example, when you write an essay for your assignment, you find you lose track of how much to write. You can simply count the pages you have already written, instantly determine the progress and know how much you need to write more. So goals can stimulate you to go further and do more.


Third, goals give you motivation. With goals, you have more motivations to finish your tasks. With goals, you give yourselves a concrete endpoint to aim for. You have something to focus on and put 100% of your effort into your tasks. So goals and motivations are inseparable. With goals, you find it easier to have things done.


Last, I would like to end my sharing with a quote by Tony Robbins.


“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”


Students, set a goal today. I believe you will find it easier to have everything done.


Thank you.

Mr. Cotton's sharing 發表人: 盧文壇   日期: 2018-09-24 09:50

Good morning, principal, students and fellow teachers.

Around the world, millions of children are not getting an education because their families are too poor to send them to school.

Babar Ali, who is 16 years old, is possibly the youngest principal in the world. He is a teenager in India who is in charge of teaching hundreds of students in his family’s backyard, where he holds classes for poor children from his village.

Every day, Babar wakes up early, helps his family with the housework and then travels 10 kilometers to school by bicycle and then on foot. His school is very poor, with old desks and an old chalkboard. Babar is a model, hardworking student and is the first member of his family to ever go to school. His parents say that he must get an education so he can have a better life than they have.

Chunki Hajra is a 14-year-old girl who has never been to school. She lives in a tiny hut with her grandmother with enough room for one bed and a few possessions. Her mother is dead, her father is sick and every day, she cleans the village to earn enough money for her family to eat. She has been doing this since she was five years old.

However, now she and hundreds of other children in the village are getting an education thanks to Babar Ali. He gets home from school at 4 p.m. every day and then speaks to the local children in his backyard about what he has learnt at school. Without Babar, none of these children would have a chance to learn or dream about a better future. Chunki Hajra would like to be a nurse one day and after working from 6 a.m. until 3 p.m. she goes to Babar’s school from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. to get whatever knowledge she can.

This year, our school’s slogan is Aspiration for scholarship, self-reflection leads to morality. The first part, Aspiration for scholarship, means that we should really want to do the best we can in order to get excellent results. There are many ways to look at this. First, some people may want to achieve the best results they can when they compare themselves to other people. They want to be the best – the top of the class. Also, we can think of it as being the best we can be at school without comparing ourselves to others. Just the feeling of trying your hardest and reaching your own goals and targets and knowing you have tried your best is rewarding in itself too. We can go even further and think beyond academic results at school. Everything we do in life, we should try our hardest and try to be the best we can be as an individual. You don’t need to be top of the class or the best basketball player in the school. You just need to know that you put in the effort required to achieve your best possible results. By aspiring to be the best we can, success will follow and we are sure to have a better life and a feeling of achievement. Put 100 percent in or more. You don’t want to think later, “If only I had tried harder”.

Just before I leave, I would just like you to reflect on the children who learn at Babar Ali’s school. They have a very, very hard life but now they have an opportunity and without a doubt, all of them will be striving to do their best and to be the best student they can be. They know if they do this, then the future will be brighter for them.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote. “Perfection is impossible. Just strive to do your best and there is no failure”.
